Fall 2023 Events

October 1, 2023

In the fall of 2023, SDR Park Alliance hosted 3 park cleanups and bulb plantings in partnership with the Parks Department.  We focused on creating partnerships with local businesses, schools, and cultural venues. x For our October “back to school” park event, we collected board games for PS124. NYU Violet Diabolo, a Chinese yoyo team and performance troupe, stunned the crowd with their original performances and yoyo demonstrations.

October 22, 2023

For the October 22th and November 19th events, SDRPA volunteers planted over
2000 bulbs. Families, neighbors, and local businesses rolled up their sleeves to pick
up trash around the Hester Street playground and the basketball courts. Manhattan Shaolin Kung Fu with Master David Fung showcased individual and group demonstrations with incredible energy and precision. Two young women from the New York Chinese Cultural Center dazzled the crowd with their traditional dances and costumes.

November 19, 2023

Our focus for the last event of the season was to plant bulbs along the perimeter of the playground. We picked up 25 bags of trash and were featured in the Epoch Times. NYC FreeMason’s Athletic Club cheered volunteers with lion dancing.

The momentum keeps growing. 

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